“Safeguarding and Inspiring: Inpatient Nurse Managers’ Dual Roles during COVID-19“
April 7, 2021 at 12:00 PM ET
During the current COVID-19 pandemic there has been little recognition of inpatient nurse manager roles. This case study of leadership at one multi-site, academic health sciences centre, examined how the first phase of the pandemic impacted first line managers’ role. Recommendations for nursing and healthcare leaders for ongoing and future pandemics are discussed.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of the webinar, participants will be able to:
1. Describe how managers enacted transformational and complexity leadership during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. Identify strategies managers used to navigate organizational and patient care challenges.
3. State key sources of support for managers during the pandemic.

Dr. Purdy is an Associate Professor at Ryerson University in the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing. Nancy’s program of research is focused on understanding and enhancing nursing work environments and is co-lead of the Better Work, Better Care Coalition – a group of stakeholders from policy, practice and academic settings. She has led a team in the development of an online series of modules and a serious game on patient safety and process improvement. Nancy is a regular reviewer for various nursing journals, has spoken at many local and international conferences and has published in a range of journals. She is a past board member of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario and was co-chair the panel responsible for the revision of the Best Practice Guideline “Developing and Sustaining Leadership”.

Dr. Bookey-Bassett is an Assistant Professor in the Daphne Cockwell School of Nursing at Ryerson University. Bookey-Bassett has held numerous practice, education, and research roles across multiple health care and academic institutions. She has expertise in designing, delivering and evaluating education programs for health professions students and practicing health care professionals. Her program of research focuses on improving nursing work environments and health workforce development including leadership, interprofessional education and team-based models of care. Methodological interests include knowledge translation and implementation science, qualitative, mixed-methods, development and evaluation of educational interventions.