NLN.ON Guidelines for Sharing Research Opportunities

NLN.ON Guidelines for Posting Calls for Research Participant Recruitment

The Nursing Leadership Network of Ontario (NLN.ON) is your voice for nursing leadership in Ontario. We are committed to fostering a culture of continuous learning and leadership excellence.

We believe that by posting opportunities to participate in relevant research, our members can contribute to and benefit from the collective advancement of knowledge related to nursing leadership. It is with this spirit of collaboration and growth that we share carefully curated research opportunities that align with our mission and vision. Participation in relevant research by any NLN.ON member will be voluntary and at their own discretion.

Calls for Research Participant Recruitment posted on the NLN.ON website and social media platforms must meet the following criteria:

Relevance to Nursing Leadership: Research must be directly related to nursing leadership. Examples include leadership development, management skills, decision-making processes, or other areas that enhance individual, organizational or systemic leadership among nursing professionals.

Ethical Considerations: Research opportunities must have received research ethics approval from the sponsor organization (e.g., hospital, university, college etc.).

Participant Criteria: Research opportunities must include clear inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Benefits or Risks to Participants: Any benefits or risks to research participants should be clearly outlined.

Submission & Review Process

Researchers interested in having NLN.ON share their research recruitment posters with our community should send an email to . Please include the following:

Submissions will be reviewed by the Co-Directors of Education & Research. If consensus is not achieved, the Board President will have final discretion to determine whether research opportunities are aligned with NLN.ON’s mission and vision.  Approved research will be posted on the NLN.ON website.

Sharing & Learning Opportunities

Please note that we encourage researchers to share findings with the nursing leadership community. This can be done through NLN.ON conference presentations, webinars, or workshops,