NLN.ON Board Election


Effective governance depends on the right mixture of skills, experience, personal qualities, and diversity among the members of a Board. Through the nomination and election process, directors reflect a complimentary balance of experience, knowledge and skills that can contribute to the ongoing success of NLN.ON.

Positions available
There are currently 3 Board of Directors and 1 President Elect positions open, for the 2024-2026 Term.


  1. Must be at least 18 years of age.
  2. Must be an NLN.ON member for two consecutive years.
  3. Direct experience in a leadership role (formal and informal) within any of the domains of nursing practice (clinical, administrative, education, research, or policy)
  4. Direct experience in a leadership role (formal and informal) within any of the various sectors or practice settings (public health, primary care, acute care, complex continuing care, rehabilitation, long term care, and/or community/home care)


  • To participate in monthly virtual Board meetings
  • To participate on Board subcommittees as required (Communications, Finance, etc.)
  • To be aware of issues facing nursing leaders locally, regionally, and provincially
  • To promote a forum for the creation of networks and the fostering of mentorship of NLN.ON members who have a special interest in nursing leadership.


Positions are held for two years 2024-2026 (beginning at the AGM) and not more than four consecutive years.


  1. Nominations must be received no later than MONDAY MARCH 10, 2025 at 11:59PM EST
  2. All nominations will be received by completing the following website form.
  3. The person nominated must be an NLN.ON member in good standing, who is willing to carry out the obligations of the office to which she/he may be elected
  4. Candidates are required to provide TWO references.
  5. All nominations must provide a short biography of the candidate of not more than 250 words which covers:
    • Expression of interest: why you are interested in serving on the NLN.ON Board
    • Background: Brief description of education and experiences that will contribute to your effectiveness as a member of the Board
  6. Nominations must include a head and shoulders photograph of each candidate
  7. Information about a candidate and her/his photograph will be posted on the NLN.ON website, during the voting period ahead of the AGM. If you wish to have a video-clip available for members to view, please limit to 2 minutes maximum and submit by the deadline
  8. Candidates must participate in candidate webinars to be scheduled


This nomination form must be correctly completed to nominate a candidate to one of the above-noted vacant director positions.  Candidates may self-nominate or be nominated by someone else.

Click Here for the Nomination Form