Nursing Leadership Network of Ontario (NLN.ON)
Advocating for nurse leaders
A key role for the Nursing Leadership Network is to advocate on behalf of, and be the voice for, nurse leaders and administrators at all levels. The NLN.ON speaks on a regular basis with the RNAO identifying issues concerning the challenges faced by our membership in an increasingly complex world.
Linking nurse leaders across the province
NLN.ON is committed to linking strategically with nurse leaders across the province in the future direction of health care.
Supporting nurse leaders through education
NLN.ON recognizes that educating nurse leaders who are ready to lead change is key to our health care system. Many nurses face leadership issues that are not contained in any textbook, nor taught in any school. The best education nurse leaders have access to is from their peers. Working together, we can continually develop improved ways to deal with new challenges.
Each year the NLN.ON awards up to $7,500 in research scholarships and educational bursaries to its members.
Dorothy Wylie Graduate Education Award: $2,000.
Part-Time Education Award: $1,000.
Nursing Leadership Network of Ontario Research Award: $2,000.
Nursing Leadership Innovation Seed Grant: $2,500.
Sue Matthews Exemplary Mentorship Award
We encourage all NLN.ON members involved in research, continuing education or who have an innovative idea to try applying.
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