NLN.ON is pleased to offer to members a webinar series Enriching Your Career through Mentorship co-presented by Michelle Cooper RN, MScN, ACC and Mary Wheeler RN, MEd, PCC.
The three part series will run from 12:00-12:45 and will take participants through a Five-Phase Mentoring Relationship Model© (purpose, engagement, planning, emergence and completion).
Blackboard Collaborate will be used as the Webinar platform and each session will include a presentation and time for questions. In addition each session will be recorded and posted, together with the PowerPoint, on the NLN.ON website.
Michelle is an international consultant and certified coach. She is a Leadership Partner at Courage Group International, a company dedicated to opening pathways for authentic leadership by connecting people to purpose. She is also an Associate of donnerwheeler.
Mary is a Partner in donnerwheeler a consulting firm established in 1992 specializing in designing, facilitating and evaluating career development, mentoring and coaching programs and services within health care.
Together Mary and Michelle developed the five- phase model as a framework for building successful mentoring relationships. Currently they are working with Gail Donner and Janice Waddell to develop an online course for STTI, Developing Customized Mentorship Programs for Faculty.
- Tuesday May 26th
Why do I want a mentor? How can I find a mentor? - Tuesday June 9th
How will we work together? How can I achieve my goals? - Tuesday June 23rd
How am I doing? What are we learning? What are my next steps?