Poster 8: The Transition Experience of New Graduate Nurses in the Emergency Department

This qualitative interpretive description study explored the transition experience of ten New Graduate Nurses as they began their nursing careers in the Emergency Department. Various intrapersonal, interpersonal, and organizational factors influenced their transition experience. Findings from this study contribute to the lack of knowledge on NGN transition to emergency medicine.

Erica Plante, RN, BScN, MSc student, McMaster University

Erica is a Registered Nurse and aspiring nursing educator. After she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Ottawa in 2014, she concentrated her nursing career in the Emergency Department, practicing primarily in the Niagara Region. Erica’s knowledge and experience of emergency nursing fueled her passion for nursing education and emergency services. She took the opportunity to study these topics through a Master’s of Science in Nursing at McMaster University. Erica admires the advances research has afforded the nursing profession, and hopes to integrate the evidence and knowledge she has acquired into nursing education and the ED practice settings.


Dr. Pamela Baxter, RN, BA, MSc, PhD, Associate Professor, McMaster University, School of Nursing, Hamilton, ON
Dr. Sheila Boamah, RN, BScN, PhD, Assistant Professor, McMaster University, School of Nursing, Hamilton, ON
Dr. Joanna Pierazzo, RN, MScN(ACNP), PhD, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Nursing Programs and Associate Profession, McMaster University, School of Nursing, Hamilton, ON

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