We examine the process of integrating internationally educated nurses in our organization. We share their success stories and the value they bring to the organization.
Desa Dlugosz, RN, BScN, MN, Manager, Trillium Health Partners
Desa Dlugosz is an educator, advocate, and comes with 24 years of clinical experience in various roles. She has a Masters in Nursing with a Graduate Certificate in Clinical Education. She derives her nursing wisdom from the medicine and emergency departments and has held multiple roles in these departments. In her previous role as a Clinical Educator in the medicine program, Desa had the opportunity to work closely with onboarding Internationally Educated Nurses. She welcomed many Internationally Educated Nurses into her units and found new and innovative ways to include them and ensure their success. She continues to explore more ways of supporting the nursing workforce in her current role as a Manager in Professional Practice Department responsible for workforce planning. Her passion is to create a diverse workforce, which provides high quality care for the diverse population Trillium Health Partners’ serve.
Kate Smith-Eivemark, RN, BScN, MHE(c), Clinical Educator, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga
Sarah Smith, RN, BScN, Clinical Educator, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga
Desa Dlugosz, RN, BScN, MN, Manager, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga
Anika Andal, RN, BscN, MN-HSLA, Manager, Trillium Health Partners, Mississauga