November 24, 2020

Innovative Partnerships: Looking Inwards

While healthcare organizations often look external for innovative partnerships, healthcare leaders must remember to look internal. Staff, physician, patients/family members are often overlooked, even though they are the stakeholders we mean to serve. Separate engagement plans are required for each group. Through its capital development project, West Park Healthcare Centre has found that investing time, energy and resources — especially at the front-end — to engage these stakeholders have huge payoffs including adding credibility, key information and critical planning considerations to a project.

Patient engagement will be a large focus on the session, as this group has a significant impact on the planning process. West Park had patients open the Request for Proposal process by addressing all three bidders on what was important to them when it comes to design of the new hospital. This had a lasting impression and the architects/consultants still talk about it today. Going beyond “tokenism,” West Park has also actively sought out appropriate patients to represent various units at user group meetings. Significant time was devoted to preparing and following-up with patients for these meetings as they can be long, technical and overwhelming. When patient representation was unavailable, West Park found other ways to have their voices heard.


Martha Harvey RN, BScN, MSc(HQ), EDAC
Director, Operational Readiness
West Park Healthcare Centre

Susan MacDonald RN, BNSc, MHSc(HA), CHE
Director, Operational Readiness
West Park Healthcare Centre

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