Undergraduate Nursing Education Award
Victoria Maich
Victoria Maich is a graduate of the Bachelor of Health Sciences program at McMaster University. She is currently a second year accelerated BScN student in the Scholar Practitioner Program at Nipissing University, partnering with SickKids for her clinical training throughout her degree. Her areas of interest include paediatrics, scholarship and Indigenous health. Her past experiences demonstrate outstanding contributions to and leadership within these areas of practice. Victoria’s career aspirations are to become a nurse practitioner, researcher and educator. Victoria is extremely grateful to the Nursing Leadership Network of Ontario for supporting her education through achievement of this award.
Sue Matthews Exemplary Mentorship Award
Gillian Strudwick
Gillian Strudwick is a Project Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. She is also an Assistant Professor (status) at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at the University of Toronto. Gillian was nominated for the Sue Mathews Exemplary Mentorship Award for the mentorship she provided in the area of health informatics. Her nominator said that she “creates an open and engaging work environment” and that she made her nominator feel “safe, accepted, valued with her non-judgmental and open-minded professional nursing approach.” Gillian’s nominator described how Gillian advocates for the nursing profession, and is dedicated to providing the best care to the patient population at her organization.
Nursing Leadership Innovation Seed Grant
Rani Srivastava
Dr. Rani Srivastava is the Chief of Nursing & Professional Practice at CAMH, Assistant Professor at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, and Adjunct Professor at York University School of Nursing and Dalhousie University. She is passionate about inter-professional culturally responsive patient and family centered care. In 2017, for her leadership on Cultural Competence, Diversity and Equity, Rani was named by the Canadian Nurses Association as one of the 150 nurses for Canada who are strong public advocates and leaders in advancing patient centered approach to quality health care.