Strategic Intentions

Strategic Intentions 2012 – 2015


Objective: NLN.ON will enhance knowledge exchange and the recognition of nurse leaders.

  • For 2012-2015, NLN.ON will continue to sponsor its annual conference
  • By December 2013, NLN.ON will host a series of webinars, and evaluate their success.
  • By December 2013 NLN.ON will develop a multi-faceted approach for recognizing/ profiling successful nurse leaders.


Objective: NLN.ON will recruit and retain members through activities targeted at CNEs/CNOs and mid-career nurse leaders.

  • By December 2014 NLN.ON will establish focused communication with hospital CNEs/CNOs in Ontario to encourage them to promote NLN.ON membership in their organizations.
  • By December 2015 NLN.ON will identify and implement a strategy to retain mid-career nurse leaders’ membership.


Objective: NLN.ON will collaborate with RNAO on selected leadership initiatives.

  • By June of 2012, NLN.ON will present its strategic plan to the RNAO Board
  • By September 2012, NLN.ON will meet with the RNAO Executive to discuss specific options and opportunities.


Objective: NLN.ON will enhance Board capacity for the purpose to promote Board efficiency and effectiveness.

  • By June 2012 NLN.ON will contract with an agency or individual to provide governance education for new Board members.
  • By the March 2013 Annual General Meeting, NLN.ON will present by-law revisions that ensure compliance with Bill 46.
  • By December 2012 NLN.ON will establish a resource pool of at lead 12 members who can assist in executing the strategic priorities, represent NLN.ON if/as needed, and occupy future Board positions.