In the everchanging health care landscape that is seeing an increasing shift to the home setting, it is more critical than ever that nurses have a voice; the creation of a Community Nursing Practice Committee allowed our nurses to have their voices heard to drive change and evolve clinical practice.
Julia Cioffi, RN, BScN, MN, Director of Nursing, Personal Support Services and Administration, SE Health
Julia Cioffi has a Masters of Nursing from the University of Toronto, and received her undergraduate degree in Nursing at Queen’s University. Prior to her current role at SE Health, Julia was a nursing educator as well as a nursing manager. She also managed the LVAD program, which is an inter-province and inter-disciplinary program affiliated with the UHN to support clients from hospital to home post cardiac surgery. Currently, in addition to her role as Director, Julia oversees the project implementation of SE Health’s H.O.P.E Approach to Care Model at the Central Toronto Office and is also a member of the Health Equity Committee for the Northwest Toronto Ontario Health Team.
Ade Oyemade, RN, BScN, MN, Regional Director, SE Health, Toronto
Ade oversees a large-scale operation, working with leaders to ensure the best possible care to clients. Ade was hired as Director for Nursing, Rehab and PSW, where she was responsible for managing clinical operations and quality outcomes for homecare clients. She was also an Executive Director for Hillcrest Reactivation Center where she gained invaluable experience in managing a large-scale healthcare facility and leading a team of healthcare professionals in delivering high-quality care to clients. During her tenure, she implemented new protocols and streamlined processes to enhance client outcomes and improve overall operational efficiency. Her passion for leading clinical operations that supports quality and excellent care has been a driving force throughout her 25-year career where she has demonstrated a deep commitment to delivering patient-centered care, while fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement within teams.
Ade Oyemade, RN, BScN, MN, Regional Director, SE Health, Toronto
Julia Cioffi, RN, BScN, MN, Director of Nursing, Personal Support Services, and Administration, SE Health, Toronto
Gwen Broda, RN, BScN, Clinical Practice Coach, SE Health, Toronto